Menopause symptom check list

We all experience menopause differently and there are many symptoms that are associated with it. You may have many, some or if you’re lucky, none. Tracking your symptoms over time and taking a symptom check list to your next appointment might help you and your GP decide on the best course of action for you.

Please tick and rate your symptoms. Print and take it the check list with you when you go to see your doctor.



General Symptoms mild moderate severe notes
Low mood        
Mood swings        
Panic attacks        
Loss of joy (anhedonia)        
Loss of confidence        
Memory problems        
Brain fog        
Poor Concentration        
Loss of energy/fatigue        
Insomnia/Sleep problems        
Night sweats        
Hot flushes        
Heart palpitations        
Joint or muscle pains        
Dry mouth        
Dry eyes        
Itchy skin/a feeling like ants are crawling under your skin (formication)        
Changes to periods (lighter, heavier, more/less frequent)        
Weight gain        
Dizziness/light headedness        
Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)        
Restless legs        
Hair loss/thinning        
Low libido        
Increased allergies        
Burning tongue        
GSM Symptoms        
Vaginal dryness        
Pain during or after sex        
Bleeding after sex        
Vulval pain/itching/

Irritation/burning (external)

Skin splitting or tearing        
Labia shrinking        
Clitoris shrinking        
Clitorial pain        
Abnormal bleeding        
Painful episiotomy scar        
Changes in discharge (watery)        
Increased UTIs        
Stress Urinary incontinence (e.g. peeing when you sneeze, exercise or cough)        
Urge incontinence (need to go NOW)        
Frequent urination        
Painful smear test        
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